It is now more than six months since our trip to my
grandmother's home town and environs in Poland, time to write some sort of
summation, and more than time to start working on the new leads it gave me.
I went there to prove that the towns my grandmother spoke of
-- Tarnow, Rzeszow, Przeworsk, Jaroslaw and Przemysl -- were places that exist
in real life, that you could visit. I went to get some sense of what Esther's
native country looked like, even close to a century later. To stand where she and her sisters and brothers must have stood. To travel the east-west road that links these towns together. And,
I guess, to affirm our place in eastern European history, in the minds of
people who live there now and in the minds of people here, too. To connect destroyed past to present. Not an original goal, to be sure.
In what way did my walking these old streets, visiting these
restorations and ruins respond to such thorough destruction? Because that thoroughness is one inescapable
takeaway of such a trip. It takes research
and some imagination to find the skinned and gouged-out traces of Jews in these towns.
My only answer is that in the end, we are all reduced to
pieces of history. And all you can do
for these relatives, in consolation or reparation, is recover and preserve their
lost histories, to endure alongside your own.
Rescuing relatives from historical oblivion is what Daniel Mendelsohn
had in mind in his riveting account, The
Lost: The Search for Six out of Six
Million. I didn't have the time or
resources to scour the world like he did, filling in my murdered relatives'
histories and settling vague theories in first-person testimony. In addition to visiting their towns and
interviewing still-living neighbors, Mendelsohn also got to the right survivors
in places like Australia, just in the nick of time in 2006, months before their

I also brought the "Anne Frank of Przeworsk" Polish
diary that I bought in the museum, by Basia Rosenberg, to a Polish friend here
in NJ and she's been working on translating it.
I may offer that to the museum; neither Elzbieta nor I want anything for
it but to spread this history to wider audiences and set more visitors on my

Seems that in the
early eighties, Przeworsk's municipal council decided to build a badly needed
bus station on the site of the former Jewish cemetery. A road widening between
Rzeszow and Przemysl had already disturbed much of the site. There were no surviving
headstones and presumably no visitors.
But the decision to build on the site had one dissenter on the council: One Jan Sasak. Outvoted, he suggested that the town at least erect a
monument to mark the spot's former existence.
Again, outvoted.
But, as history would have it, this Jan Sasak was himself a
stonecutter. So he made the little monument
himself, and had it erected in the middle of the station. Without his knowledge or consent, it was
later moved to the back, in a corner on a small bricked rectangle. Google Streetview still shows it, but only if
you know where to look. And that is why
this little monument looks like an unofficial afterthought. It's certainly unofficial; one man's
professional act of righteous, compassionate obstinacy. Does anyone know this man? Does he still live? Can't find him on
Facebook. I'd certainly like to thank
him for this act of historical rescue.
I keep in Facebook touch with Jakub Lysiak, our guide to
Przeworsk, Jaroslaw and Przemysl. He has
sent me the info should I want to get more research done on my behalf in the
Przemysl archives. I should follow up on
that. Last I heard he was applying for
training as a guide at the Polin Museum in Warsaw. I'm also Facebook friends with Helise
Lieberman, director of the Taube Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in
Poland. Both their paths cross with
Agnieska (Agi) Legutko, a Yiddishist
from Krakow who I met when I booked her for an adult ed presentation at
my synagogue in NJ years ago. Today she heads up the Yiddish department at Columbia in

I would like nothing more than to swim around in these
records and mysteries as a full-time occupation. I have a lot of the language skills and more
than passing familiarity with the more popular tools of online genealogical
research. What I have done is given introductory workshops in to my
synagogue, and, with my Lifelong Learning cochair, gotten a wall-sized map of
eastern and central Europe printed on sturdy vinyl and hung in the social hall.
The idea is to encourage others to research and mark their ancestral towns
within its borders. (We've added inserts
of Israel, Iraq, Spain and Sudan for our few Sephardi members. And Italy for inter-marrieds.) We've just gotten

You beautiful young people I saw sipping wine and beer on
the Rynek of Rzeszow, the college town, speaking other languages: You folks who gave me the Jewish History tour
map of Tarnow: Jakub: Did you go to the polls?
Did you sit this one out? Or were you simply outnumbered. And by whom.
The "renascent" Jewish community of Poland is
miniscule; somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000.
I can't see that number ever approaching even five percent of its
pre-war population, which would get to 150,000.
But we could become more frequent and interested visitors. Even if
somewhat transient, the community could
grow. Jewish Studies is apparently popular at Warsaw University, among Catholic-born
Poles. Here's hoping that with the churn of Polish generations, we will see even
wider acknowledgement and acceptance of our historical relationship.
As regards PrzemyĆl - you might be interested in looking at the Jewish metrical records from their archive, quite recently digitized and made available on the internet:
Thank you, Marcin! Very helpful; I will give it a look!
ReplyDeleteYOu certainly got a lot out of your trip and have shared it so well.
ReplyDeleteGrandma would be so proud.
Just lovely, dear El. It's fascinating reading and I just wish I had the resources to track my own family back in Italy.
ReplyDeleteYes, last elections in Poland were disappointing, to put it mildly, but later developments in the UK and the US were not cheerful either. It seems to be a global phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteI was born in Przeworsk, too, most of my life I spend there, although live in Rzeszow now. In my spare time I am trying to collect any piece of information on Jews who once lived in Przeworsk. Maybe it would be possible for me to recreate our synagogue in eg. blender (a free 3D graphics package). Recently I found this picture:,user.html?galeria_zdjec&w=16&user=1341&s=0&f=472045-foto
It was taken on Sept. 12, 1939 at ca. (I think) 3 p.m. The person who took it (German or Polish?), stood in the corner of Krotka (Short in English) street (running left to right) and was looking along Kazimierzowska. Never thought that anyone took a picture of this event I knew so well from my Grandfather's stories who was a member of fire brigade in Przeworsk.
Still am not sure who were the arsonists, Einsatzkommano 3/I under Alfred Hasselberg or Ensatzgruppe zur besonderes Verwendung under SS-Gruppenfuehrer Udo von Woyrsch.
Hello Maciek:
ReplyDeleteI am so thrilled to hear from you, a native of my grandmother's home town, that even though I have to leave in a few minutes for my sister's Passover seder, I wanted to say hello! Obviously I haven't looked at my blog in a long while. I would love to hear your grandfather's stories! If he was a fireman back in those days, I'm thinking you have to be at least as old as me. Great English: did you learn it in school?
Ellen, granddaughter of Kazimierzowska Street.